Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week 8- Visual Thinking Research

For this week's assignment, my friend and I both solved puzzles simultaneously. This is the results; her pen was purple, mine green.
 Both of us took about 20 turns to complete the puzzle. The lowest possible was 14. Interestingly enough, both of us started from the outside, and took roughly the same path. The correct pattern begun on the inside and worked it's way out.

 "The Cat"
 This was an example of pattern recognition. On both this puzzle and the previous one, my friend and I both worked our way from top to bottom, and, on this puzzle, left to right, just like reading language. She got he correct number, 20, but I missed the overall eyes. Both of us used a method to check off the ones we had completed. This also was an example of grouping.

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