Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week 4 Visual vs Symbolic Language- Veteran

This photo shows a man in military uniform giving a salute, directed at someone off screen. The figure, implied to be a Veteran, is back lit by the sun directly behind him, as well as the American flag flying behind him. The whole scene is set off by a bright blue sky.


  • Patriotism
  • Honor
  • Confidence
  • Neatness
  • Bright
  • American flag-  denotes United States, patriotism, and victory.
  • Blue sky- denotes calmness, nature, good, this means things are going well.
  • Veteran- denotes military, support for elders, victory.
  • Salute- denotes ceremony, respect, recognition, and greeting.

The underlying compositional structure shows intention to reinforce the goal of the photograph. This includes having the flag be in motion, creating a sensation of movement, as well as the back lighting effect of the sun behind the Veteran as well as the flag. This back lighting creates a 'halo' effect, implying 'good'. Also, positioning the camera slightly below the subject being photographed makes that  subject, in this case the Veteran, appear to be more powerful, as the viewer is looking up at the subject.

Photo source:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week 3 Blog Meaning2

This advertisement for the Samsung Galaxy SIII shows first and foremost a representation of the phone itself. This representational level of the image gives the viewer a way to identify what is being advertised. In this case, they are trying to sell more than just a phone, they are trying to show that it is almost naturalistic, which is absurd on a basic level, as this is a piece of electronics. The representational aspect of the image is needed to tie the concept together.

The leaf and nature images behind the phone, as well as the dandelion image displayed on the phone itself, are meant to bring that feeling of nature and tranquility that the advertisement is selling to the viewer. This is integral, because for each of the levels to make sense with the others, they have to use this level as the primary indication that the phone has a “design inspired by nature” as the advertisement is claiming.

There are symbols displayed on the screen, and the ones picked tend to be skeuomorphic, such as the camera icon appearing as an old film camera, the microphone symbol, as well as the calling icon derived from a corded phone.  This, is just another part of the effort to make the overall appearance simple, further reinforcing the message.

Image source:
Web. Last accessed 9-20-12

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 2
Meaning 1- Blog Exercise

1. Representation.

This work is called 'The Favorite Cat', by Nathaniel Currier, from 1849- 1850. This shows representation because it is primarily realistic, it realistically portrays what this cat would have looked like. The shape, features and details are all realistic, even though it is not a photograph. This is instantly recognizable as a cat, because all of the form and details are what we expect a cat to look like.

2. Abstraction
This image, from a Trader Joe's bag, shows the progression towards symbolism. Many details are left out and replaced with simpler lines and shading. However, the image remains very easily recognizable, and still appears somewhat realistic. Abstraction, in this case, is going in the direction of symbolic. 

3. Symbolism
This Crossing symbol, taken locally, shows just the most simple outline of a figure walking. This is in order to quickly and simply get the message across that it is safe to walk across. There is a cultural aspect as well, because we have to be trained to know what this means. This is a  universal indication that it is now safe to walk.