Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 6 Blog
Visual Perception 1-
Top- Down Visual Processing

This image is the unveiling of the Ford Fusion at the 2012 Detroit Auto Show. Looking at this image from a top- down visual perception, you begin with the context of knowing that the image is going to be a car, or in this case, multiple cars. In the context of the situation, this is the first glimpse of what this new model looks like, so details, as well as overall shape is relevant. Because of the context, the brain can put all of the details together seamlessly. First, the subject is acknowledged, then the shape and overall design, as well as colors, are processed.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Week 5 Design Success and Failure / Syntactical Guidelines

Volkswagen Up! Lite Concept
Both of these vehicles are attempting the same goal, to make an extremely efficient commuter car
for future cities. However, as far as design goes, the Up! Lite Concept is much more effective. The overall effect of the design is balanced and attractive. Though very small and efficient, it still looks like a 'real' car. Use of accent lines- stress in design, the triangular wedge shape of the car, and proportion give it an attractive, sporty appearance. 

Commuter Cars- Tango

The Tango, on the other hand, is less sucessful, at least visually. It appears to be completely out of balance, with the width in proportion to the height very unbalanced. The design of the car could have appeared more balanced if, for example, the brake lights were used to sharpen the design, and make the car to appear wider than it is, by focusing on vertical design.
Tango image source link